Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Identify Your Special Talents

Identify your special talents

Every human being without being an exception has talents, attributes, skills & characteristics which he could use to achieve amazing results. Most of the people during their life time make little assessment or no assessment in understanding and developing their talents and thus live a very mediocre life. Life is all about purpose and direction and the talents which one possesses needs to unearthed, utilized constructively so that you get pulled away from the pack of average performers and move into the income category where today you can earn three, four, five, and ten times as much as your peers who have not made this commitment.

Having talent, skill & attribute in oneself and not knowing it, not exhibiting it, not exploring it, not utilizing it to your advantage is as good as not having any skills in you.

There are eight ways for you to identify and determine your special talents and what you are uniquely suited to do. They are as under:

First, you will always be the best and happiest at something that you love to do. If you could afford it, you would do it without pay. It brings out the best in you and you get a tremendous amount of satisfaction and enjoyment when you are engaged in that particular work or assignment.

Second, you do it well. You seem to have a natural ability to perform in this area.

Third, this talent has been responsible for most of your success and happiness in life, up until now. From an early age, it has been something that you have enjoyed doing and brought you the greatest rewards and compliments from other people.

Fourth, it is something that was easy for you to learn and easy to do. In fact, it was so easy to learn that you actually forget when and how you learned it. You just found yourself doing it easily and well one day.

Fifth, it holds your attention. It absorbs you and fascinates you. You like to think about it, read about it, talk about it, and find out more about it. It seems to attract you like a moth to a flame.

Sixth, you love to learn about it and become better at it all your life. You have a deep inner desire to really excel in this particular area.

Seventh, when you do it, time stands still. You can often work in your area of special talent for long periods without eating or sleeping, hour after hour, because you get so involved in it.

Eighth, you really admire and respect other people who are good at what you are most suited to do. You want to be like them and be around them and emulate them in every way.

If the above descriptions apply to anything that you are doing now, or anything that have done in the past, they can lead you into what you were uniquely put on this earth to do, to your “heart’s desire.”

In other words, you are born to excel. Your natural talents are inborn and easy to develop. They are programmed into your subconscious mind. They are what you were put on this earth to do. Your job is to discover this area of natural talent and ability and then develop it throughout your life.

Many skills are complimentary. They are dependent on each other. This means that you must have one skill at a certain level in order to use your other skills at a higher level. Sometimes you have to learn and develop skills that you do not particularly love and enjoy. But this is the price you pay to be able to achieve excellence in your chosen field.

Excellence is a journey. Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly at first. It is not practice that makes perfect; it is imperfect practice that eventually makes one perfect.